Beyond Home and Further Down: Slice of Sea Reviewed

Slice of Sea is a wonderful culmination of so many years of artistic integrity and pioneering work by a man who by herculean efforts made himself a part of gaming history, a wonderfully personal and thoroughly distinct artistic vision. Each frame containing the most carefully composed art and the most fluid animation. Altogether a most wonderful gem to discover.

Frustration Meditations: Playing Bloodborne as a First

Having just recently tried and conquered their celebrated 2015 release “Bloodborne” for the first time, I thought it interesting to jot down my own thoughts on experiencing this much discussed and revered game. After all, seeing my own frail avatar being slashed into a million little blood-stained pieces offered me plenty of time to think, so here it is now all presented (filtered from my own screams of frustration). Ideas, concepts and structures inherent to Bloodborne and the impression it leaves after having gone through it all.

Suzanna Meets Wonderland

The debut EP from HADAL WAVES is a melancholic and dissonant opus, unsettling and riveting in execution. Like a classical concerto, the three moments form the whole of a journey through a desolate landscape filled with electric screams and static glitches. Though the post-punk pastiches which adorns the aesthetic of the EP seems fulfilling and conventional for our present taste, the music is hauntingly idiosyncratic, creating a unique and darkly ambient soundscape.

Fear and loathing in London Town: The Great Ace Attorney Finally Released

A cold and merciless editor could probably have gutted the remains of this bloated mess and then served a much more streamline and coherent experience, but sadly that was not to be. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles will unequivocally remain one of the weakest entries to the series to date. While it offers moments of inspired serenity and intriguing mystery, it is unfortunately all hampered down by horrible pacing and repetitive dialogue. While it might sheath the curiosity of old fans, I do emphatically not recommend it to new players or anyone interested in discovering the appeal of the franchise.

Apotheosis of Luxury: Excess and redemption in Paradise Killer

Have you ever wanted to experience Lovecraftian horror synthesized through a vaporwave haze? Or explore a tropical luxury resort complete with brutalist architecture, perverse idolatry and palm trees? Or perhaps you’re just starving for a new puzzle game with intriguing conspiracies to unravel and fun characters to converse with? Paradise Killer promises a unique experience and delivers an aesthetic epic with postmodern woes.

Traum and Trauma: journeying in Strangeland

If you’re a fan of adventure games, Strangeland is certainly an experience that should be savored. From the sprites of tar and flesh to the stanzas of death and despair, it heralds a journey of sober self-reflection, and while I’m not personally a veteran from the LucasArt and Sierre On-Line era, Strangeland bears the mark of a mad savant standing on the shoulders of giants. Wormwood Studio could with their talent begin a new renaissance for adventure games, which only makes me more excited for what their future would bring.

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